After all the dog portraits I decided to have a go at people portrait painting. I was playing it safe using a grid so I can be sure to get a good likeness. I really enjoy the drawing process as it is a pleasure for me. It’s the painting which can cause the hardship. I remember someone saying once (can’t remember who) there’s pain in paint.
The problem I have with portrait painting is getting the skin colour right. I mix a colour and think it’s perfect and put it on the canvas and it looks totally pink!
Trying to compensate for the pink I’ve now gone to dark and so now I have to balance the colours and take the Tom Jones look off! Over shot it on the shading a touch.
I still have shirt to do but happy with the rest for the moment. Every time I do a new portrait I improve ever so slightly as I learn by problem solving. Then I have new problems each time to teach me and bring me along further.